Monday, April 6, 2009

Entrecard Ads

To all of my entrecard advertisers:

In order to stay loyal to those entrecard droppers that want to advertise on my blog by using credits I want you to know that I am leaving these spots open for you. I will not be accepting any of the paid ads offered by entrecard unless there are no adverts already pending in my queue. In order to be fair I have decided that those who advertise by using credits are the loyal droppers that I find in my inbox most days so as my promise to you "You will have first choice and will receive your promised amount of exposure time".

Happy blogging!


Split Rock Ranch said...

I agree that paid ads shouldn't usurp the ads paid for with hard earned credits. Hopefully Entrecard will figure something out that will make the majority of the people happy.

I am Harriet said...

I've done the same.

I even made a "dropper friendly" banner for my site. You are welcome to use it.

Grampy said...

That sounds good. Entrecard is going to have to come up with something else or lose a lot of bloggers.

Unknown said...

Good on you Renae! I've done the same thing and more members of the Entrecard are joining the rebellion against the changed to EC everyday.

There are some who seem to think they will actually make money from the paid ads, but I don't see how Entrecard are going to be able to live up to their promises.

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