Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Item

I have added a new necklace to my Etsy shop. With fall just around the corner I decided to start with some vibrant fall colors.

This next one I haven't listed yet. I am having a hard time deciding on a name and the pictures do not do it justice. The glass heart is a beautiful deep purple with a hint of brown and cream.

Friday, August 7, 2009


I have decided to have a Grand Opening for my Etsy shop. I will be adding new items by the end of the weekend but in honor of my grand opening I have decided to give a free beaded stretch bracelet with the purchase of $20 or more. You can choose the color you want and the type of beads are up to me. See below for a sneak peak:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Etsy Shop

So, I decided to give Etsy a try. It's still a work in progress but I will get there. Here is the newest necklace that I am listing.

Being new at this whole selling thing I am open to suggestions and tips.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gone Camping

Hey all,

I won't be dropping for the next few days. We are gone camping and I will catch everyone when I get back on Thursday. Have a great week!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cooking Oil Stains

This is amazing:

I was cleaning up after dinner one evening and when I picked up the frying pan with grease in it I spilled the grease down the front of my pants. I took them off and immediately put tide on the spot and then washed them. When I took them out of the washer it looked like the spot was gone so I put them in the dryer. Well low and behold when I took them out of the dryer the grease spot was still there and now I had succeeded in setting the stain in. I was going to throw them away but for some reason I didn't. (Now I'm glad)

Well, I took them out the other day and decided I needed to research how to remove cooking oil from clothing. I found a lot of great ideas but then I decided I was going to try Goo seems to work for everything else. So, I took my pants and got out the Goo Gone. I proceeded to dump a bunch on the spot, washed and dried them and guess what???? The spot is gone!!!!! It's amazing what this stuff can do. So, run out and make sure you have some Goo Gone on hand at all times. It even removes permanent marker! Now I am going to pull out all of those sweatshirts and T-shirts that have grease splatters on them that I stuffed in the back of the dresser and bring them back to life.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Blog Award

I received this award from Liza @ A Simple Life and I am just getting around to passing it along. Thank you Liza! Please be sure to check out Liza's blog.

The rules:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

As I would love to pick 15 blogs for this award there are so many blogs that I enjoy on a daily basis that I just can't pick 15. If you are a loyal dropper on my blog then this award is for you!

Monday, June 1, 2009


Got home late last night from the Dover race. We had a blast....I love the races and we took our boy's and my MIL to their first race. It was a long day but, we had loads of fun. There is always so much going on at the track. We watched the Speed channel pre-race show. Then we watched the motocross stunt bikes doing tricks, parachuter's and then on to the race.

Monster Mile Monument:

Pre-Race Show:

Stunt Bikes:


The Race:

Friday, May 29, 2009

Nascar Race

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I am going out of town to the Nascar race in Dover, DE. I will not have access to a computer to return drops. I will catch up when I get back.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

Thank you to all who have served and are still serving!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Present

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day! I wanted to share my Mother's Day present. We spent all day Saturday at the car dealership and wow is it exhausting buying a new car. Definitely worth it though.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day

Happy Mother's day to all the Mom's

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Corn for Sale

So a co-worker and I were driving to work the other day and we saw a produce stand on the side of the road. There was a sign on the light pole pointing you to the stand. Well attached to that sign was a sign written in cardboard advertising corn for sale. When we saw the sign we could not contain ourselves, we both looked at each other and busted out laughing. At that point I can honestly say that I realized why people talk about West Virginia. I moved to West Virginia from New York so I am allowed to pick on West Virginian's.

Anyway, this morning I took my digital camera with me because I knew hubby needed a picture of this sign. So, on my way to work I took the pic.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here are some new pics of my nephew. He is growing so fast, seems like time just flies by.

My niece and both nephews:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Entrecard Ads

To all of my entrecard advertisers:

In order to stay loyal to those entrecard droppers that want to advertise on my blog by using credits I want you to know that I am leaving these spots open for you. I will not be accepting any of the paid ads offered by entrecard unless there are no adverts already pending in my queue. In order to be fair I have decided that those who advertise by using credits are the loyal droppers that I find in my inbox most days so as my promise to you "You will have first choice and will receive your promised amount of exposure time".

Happy blogging!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


It's been awhile since I have done a post. We are remodeling our kitchen and I wanted to share the work in progress. Unfortunately I don't have before pictures so let me tell you a little about the before. The center island was just the rectangle counter in the pic and it was green. The sink was white and stained horribly.

Hubby tiled all of my counters and I got a new sink (stainless steel). I will post follow-up pics later. He also added the L shaped drop down counter around the side of the counter for the boys to do homework. They can now use a kitchen chair versus needing stools. He also put in recessed lights and will be adding pendant lights over top of the center island. I can't wait to see the whole thing done. Then we will be moving on to the floor.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009


One of my favorite blogs is doing a giveaway. You can enter until March 7. You just have to check this out, you can win an adorable handmade coin purse, sleep mask with pouch and the cutest flower hair accessory.

Hurry over to Lovely Purses and enter before it's too late.

Here is just a peek at one of the items you can win.

Monday, February 16, 2009


I went to see my nephew yesterday. He is such a precious little thing. Every time I hold him he goes to sleep on me so, I couldn't tell you what he is like when he is awake. He is growing fast.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Smooth Away Review

I was asked to try this new product and write a review. I received the items in the mail and it was nicely packaged. It comes in a nice vinyl case for easy storage and you receive 2 applicators, one small and one large. Each applicator has 5 Flex-crystal replacement pads with a sticky side to attach to the applicators. The Flex-crystal pads are similar to fine grain sandpaper. There were also very detailed instructions on how to use the applicators as well as a tube of moisturizer that also helps slow hair growth.

I was impressed with the product as I have tried many of them. It is extremely easy to use and removed the hair as promised leaving my legs smooth. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that I had no irritation from the flex-crystal pads as I had originally expected. I used the small applicator to do a few irritating areas on my face where unwanted hair grows and it also worked great with no irritation. Unfortunately, I used all 5 of the large pads to do my legs and discovered that by the next day the hair had returned. I really like the moisturizer. I'm not sure that it has slowed the growth process but it does work to keep my legs from drying out and becoming itchy.

This product costs $14.99 on the Smooth Away site. I'm not sure that I would purchase the product on a regular basis but I did like the way my legs felt after I was done. For the price it would be too costly for one time use. I do feel that this product does what it claims to do and there was no pain like I get from my epilator and definitely not as painful as waxing either. If you have the time and want to spend the extra bucks I would recommend using Smooth Away.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


My nephew and sister are home and doing great. He is such a cutie! Here are some new pics.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Nephew

My nephew Caleb decided to make his entrance this morning at 10:43. He weighed 8.59 and was 20 inches. It was a rough day for him. His shoulders got stuck and they had to pull him out so the poor little thing was all bruised. The awesome news is that mom and baby are both doing great.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My apologies

I wanted to apologize to all my Entrecard droppers. I was sick in bed all day yesterday so I didn't get to return any drops. Luckily it must have been a 24 hour bug because I am feeling much better today.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's been going on?

We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of my little nephew. He isn't due until the end of January but my sister has been having contractions and being this is her 3rd child we are expecting him any time now. I will post updates as I get them.

Work has been crazy because my sister and I work together but, the doctor took her out of work and now I am doing her work along with mine. It makes for a long day and I am exhausted by the time I stop at the gym and then come home.

So that is the story of my life right now....keeping busy. Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year.

Long time, no blog

Well it's been awhile since I have done a new post. Seems like life just fly's by....

Let's start by posting the award I received awhile ago. Thank you to Tqmnurse over at for bestowing this wonderful award on me. I haven't even had the time to thank her.

Here are the rules:
1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
3. Nominate 5 blogs.
4. Provide links to their blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees

My 5 nominated blogs are:

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