Saturday, October 18, 2008


This was a really cool idea for a Halloween centerpiece.
Witches Cauldron

The combination of dry ice and water in a witch's cauldron is an inexpensive way to create an air of other-worldly magic.

What to Do
To create the spooky scene, purchase dry ice from your local grocery store's seafood department or ice supplier. Using tongs or thick gloves, place the dry ice in a watertight container; cover with water. Warm water will create more smoke, but it will disappear quickly. Cooler water will produce less dense smoke but it will last longer. If the amount of smoke decreases during you party, add more dry ice and water.

These were the most adorable little cats:
Halloween Cats

Guard your windowsill with a Cat Patrol of acorn squash. All you need is some black paint, cardboard scraps, felt markers, and glitter glue. Children will love to make their own. You could also arrange them on a mantel or scatter them around the house in unexpected places -- peering out of a cupboard, looking down from atop a bureau, behind a door, or even on a coat closet shelf.

You Will Need
Acorn squash in assorted sizes
Black acrylic paint
Medium-sized paintbrush
Scraps of cardboard for ears, eyes, mouths, and whiskers
Glitter glue for whiskers and mouths
Colored markers: yellow, green, blue, and black
Tacky glue or a glue gun to attach ears, whiskers, etc.
Optional: Scraps of foil to line inside of ears (we used purple)

What to Do
1. Paint each squash black and allow to dry thoroughly. It may take two or three coats.

2. Turn the squash so the stem end becomes the nose.

3. From cardboard, draw and cut the following shapes for each: two elongated triangles for ears; two elliptical ovals for eyes; two small ovals for the center of each eye; optional small circles or strips to fit with eye centers as shown in photo; four whiskers, approximately 3 inches x 1/8 inch; an anchor-like shape for the mouth.

4. With markers, color ears black and other features blue, green, yellow or black as desired.

5. Add glitter glue to the whiskers and mouths.

6. Optional: Cut two smaller triangles for each ear (to fit inside the first pair) from purple foil and glue in place.

7. Secure all features to the painted squash with tacky glue or a glue gun.

Glowing Ghosts

To set up this suitably spooky scene for partygoers or trick-or-treaters, invite a few of our fiendishly clever spirits. They're easy to make ... glow sticks power these unique ghouls for up to 8 hours, so there's no need for power cords. And they go together in only three short steps ... almost as fast as you can say, "Boo!"

All you need are round, white balloons, cheesecloth cut to lengths of about a yard, and glow sticks. We used green, 4-inch glow sticks, found in party supply stores or on-line.

What to Do
1. Activate a glow stick and insert it into a balloon.

2. Position the knot at the top of the balloon, and use an indelible black marker to draw the eyes and a mouth. .

3. Drape the cheesecloth over the balloon, cut a small hole and push the knot through the fabric. Secure with string and hang in the breeze.


The Gatekeeper said...

Very nice info and ideas. Thanks for this post.

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